Not One in a Million: One of A Kind

One in a million. You may hear that phrase from time to time. Instead of setting a number limit, like one million, people should look at themselves as one whole unique person that nobody can replicate. Each person has different skills, characteristics, and qualities that make them their own individual, and this is how I stand out as one unique individual:

I could go on to describe myself, my looks, and where I am from. Well, I am 17 years old with long, dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes who follows the American culture of being overweight. Instead of focusing on my statistics, in which people judge me for, I want to share with you some facts that I would want to be judged for, so you can see my true personality and not just my appearance.

I’m sure many of you have seen the left brain vs. right brain quizzes, but it tend to avoid those because when I take them, they never truly seem to summarize WHO I am as a person, just some of my tendencies. I recently took a personality quiz, and it went into great depth to define what type of personality and traits I have. Although these types of tests might not work on everyone, it hit me spot on, and I discovered some things about myself that I never considered. Once completing the quiz, the online computer sorted your answers into categories. And these are my results, who I am and what people should judge me for:

Outlook: Optimist

Viewing the world with a positive attitude helps me understand more. Being an optimist does not mean I do not experience problems or pain, I simply do not let it affect me in a negative way. After all, I have a lot to be thankful for. I have food, shelter, loved ones, and God — I have plenty to be thankful for.

Character: Helpful

Self discipline and determination are the skills I use to my benefit. I take pleasure in assisting others and am more than willing to give up my own time to help them until the job is done.

Self-Control: Relaxed

At first this result shocked me, because I am the most anxiety driven people I know. However, the description the quiz gave made sense, stating that I am not easily angered and that I may appear to be a pushover. There are two sides to every situation and that is important to remember when controlling anger.

Composure: Measured

This relates to how clear I view goals and the steps I need to take in order to accomplish them. I find this hard to believe because I haven’t even chosen my college yet. Nevertheless, I can be very focused on a short term goal such as schoolwork or a fundraiser. If I know what needs to be done, I am not afraid to step up and take action.

Taste: Blockbuster

When I get free time, I enjoy leisured activities that will entertain me and that I do not need to concentrate on. I enjoy life’s simple pleasures and being around others so I will often be found at community events.

Sociability: Giver

This result stated that I was naturally good-hearted and extremely sociable. It also stated that I get along with every which makes me popular. While I do my best to get along with others, I do not find myself popular, just well known. And it is ironic that the test said I was naturally good-hearted because I often doubt my intentions and constantly question whether I am a “good” person.

Action: Influential

Productive, efficient, quick, and if I know what needs to be done, I will be more than willing and able to do it. This can be translated to pushiness, so I need to draw the line between authoritative and bossy.

Attitude: Traditional

I use my moral beliefs and traditions to guide me into making what I believe is the correct decision. The results mention how I strong connections to family and faith. Even though I don’t know much about my ancestors, I value my family and all they have taught me. However, although I have faith in God, I constantly find myself to be a poor religion and blame myself for disappointing God.

Process: Organizer

When working, I am diligent and prefer to follow the rules while having a creative side. I am very neat and organized professionally, at school and in my activities, but when I come home, my bedroom is just as bad as a pig pen.

Resilience: Practical

The quiz results stated, “Practical people are unlikely to be derailed when they come up against difficulties” and that I push my negative emotions aside and focus on how I may solve the problem. I feel like this coincides with my result from my optimist outlook in that I always try to see the best in every situation, but I can be realistic when it comes to solving the problem.

To discover what person you truly are, visit this website:

And remember, the more honest you answer, the more honest the results! Have a wonderful weekend!

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