
In Loving Memory of Mark Thomas Beasley

Mark and Moe

I am not good at emotions. Some say blogging helps, so here it goes.

I have been writing this post for 2 weeks now. No matter how much I write, it never seems finished. Every time I log on, I always seem to add more or take away…small editing here and there. Problems of being a perfectionist.

But this post is something else entirely. This is my story. Occasionally, students receive assignments for school to write an essay about their “story”; something that has contributed to or made an impact on their lives. I’ve never really had one until now.

When the movie Zombieland came out, there was one scene in particular that stood apart from the rest. No, it wasn’t the children shooting guns or the bloody zombies lurking around or even the never ending journey to find a Twinkie, but rather an intimate scene between two of the main characters. Amidst the apocalyptic doomsday world they had to survive, they sat down and shared a bottle of wine (stick with me because there IS a purpose, I promise). As many people often times do, they checked the year of the wine. Looking back to the events that took place that year, each reminisced if it was a good year or a bad year.

For me, I imagine being in my forties, and coming home to a glass of wine from the 2014 bottle. 2014. What would I remember from this year. Was it good or bad?

Turns out, it is both. It has been the best, and worst, year (so far) in my life.

Senior Year:

  • I was a leader at the Class of 2014 Senior Seminar.
  • I was elected Senior Class Treasurer.
  • I became a Teaching Assistant for the second year for one of my favorite teachers.
  • I worked on our Class of 2014’s final Homecoming float, and rode on it during the football game’s halftime as the Tin Man (Wizard of Oz theme).
  • I continued leading in RSVP for my fourth year as a student origination to help improve the school.
  • I was nominated and then voted by my peers to receive the DAR Award (Daughters of the American Revolution).
  • I served as an honorary member of Interact Club (Rotary International).
  • I began my Girl Scout Gold Award and bridged to an adult in Girl Scouts (my final years since I was a Daisy in kindergarten — 14 years total).
  • I attended my Senior Prom in a dress that made me feel beautiful.
  • I was interviewed for an article in the local newspaper, The Daily Journal.
  • Scored fifth place in the state on a test I took at BPA (Business Professionals of America).
  • I was one of theta obtuseness to win the Business Student of the Year out of my whole grade.
  • I was one of the two to win the Early College Student of Excellence out of my whole grade.
  • I planned, organized, and ran the Senior Celebration (a whole gathering of the Class of 2014 similar to that of an awards show).
  • I was asked to introduce the President of Vincennes University at a Early College Recognition night that I was selected to help construct.
  • I earned my Associates Degree before even graduating high school.
  • I graduated high school with academic honors, 5 chords, and a special tassel.
Colleen Grad Speech

Me giving a speech at my high school graduation ceremony; one of the biggest moments in my life thus far.

All of this occurred to me throughout the year, in addition to having some of the best memories with my classmates (who are like my family) that I could have ever even dreamed. I do not list these accomplishments as a pompous effort to brag, but merely to emphasize how wonderful my year had been. But sometimes, life can just throw you a curve ball that you just can’t dodge. This one hit me in my heart.

May 31: Graduation Day

Speaking at my high school graduation commencement was the highlight of my life thus far. I was on top of the world; nothing could bring my spirits down.

June 1:

What started out as a day full of partying at friends graduation open houses, quickly escalated into the worst night of my life. My dad’s death.

How? How could the best year of my life rapidly descend into my lowest point?

To to be honest, I don’t quite know how to tell this story. Quite frankly, it is not one I really want to tell. But even if I wanted to, how could I accurately describe my feelings. Truth is, I still don’t know where my feelings lie.

I decided it best not to describe to you every detail. I don’t want it to be a repeat of the ending of How I Met Your Mother (SPOILER!!!) in which the father tells a whole 9 seasons of details on how he met the love of his life just to clarify that she was dead this whole time. No. That takes far too much time and effort, and frankly, who cares? None of you knew my dad like I did, so no matter how many details I describe, it will never be adequate to the pain I have endured from losing the greatest, wisest, kindest man of my life. Nothing will ever change that.

How do you cope? How do you move forward in life? How can you possibly get over such a traumatic, life changing event? For me, my brain overrides my heart, and the solution was simple.

You can’t, not really, not fully, so what next?

1. I prayed. I am a Methodist (a form of Christianity). God is my biggest supporter. I knew how much my dad loved him, and God loved him in return. I keep telling myself that God just needed another angel in heaven. And I could not pick out a person more perfect for that position than my dad. I knew God ultimately had a larger plan, and he is perfect, so who am I to judge his decisions? God is my everything, and I trust him and I won’t let my father’s passing change that. My dad would want that in me.

2. I thought about what my dad would have wanted. Would he want my grief to impede my actions? No. Would he want me to be defeated and stop trying? No. Would he want me to think about the ‘what ifs’ knowing there was nothing I could to to save him? No. He would want me to continue being me: having fun with friends, working hard at Hanover College, enjoying my life to the fullest. It was illogical to hold on to all of the grief and sadness when I knew it only acted as poison to my thoughts and actions.

3. I cried. The more you hold onto, and the longer you hold it, the more your emotions are bottled up. I know this from experience; my mom often reffers to me as Spock because I have a logical outlook on situations but I tend to hide my emotions, not letting them show. This is just like a soda can: it becomes all shook up as its inside stir until one final push and it explodes. I am not typically fond of crying, especially in front of others. I dont want to appear weak. I am the girl who is suppose to have it all together. But in this type of scenario, no one expects you to keep it all in ~ it isn’t healthy. Crying is NOT a sign of weakness, but if you don’t feel comfortable doing so in front of others, at least do it on your own time. It truly helps let off steam and built up emotions. Chocolate also helps.

Harry Potter reference…Professor Lupin claims chocolate helps recover from traumatic experiences.

4. I got plenty of support. My mom and brother had to take medication simply to sleep at night. I am on anxiety medication. If medication is not an option, talk to someone: a friend, family member, therapist, anyone. It was heartwarming to see hundreds of people reach out in support. One friend even set up a meal train for families to bring us food throughout the rest of the month.

5. I planted a mulberry tree in memory of my father. I grew up with this mulberry tree and even though it was cut down I hold it close to my heart. That symbolizes my feelings toward my father. Although he is gone, I will always hold him close to my heart. Also, we took the flowers from the funeral, and each of my family members had them created into something. I had mine turned into a memory necklace.

Although this year contained the worst time of my life, I must not let it consume my whole year. His death was like a black hole, trying to suck away all of the light out of my life. But friends, family, memories; all brought me out of my downward spiral. I continued to not only live, but prosper. I held my graduation open house the following week, took a trip up to Michigan City, and even went to my first real concert (Panic! At the Disco, baby!). I must not let his death consume all of the good memories I have made this year. And I plan on continuing my greatest year going into my very first year at Hanover College!

Of course, I have now come to realize to stop analyzing my years. To just take moments as they happen. Make memories. To hold on the past to grow, but to let go in order heal. Enjoy the happy memories as they come, cherishing, living; yet welcome the hurtful ones, as they make the happy shine even more brighter.

My dad’s death isn’t the end of the world. Just like this blog isn’t the end. I will be like John H. Watson from BBC’s Sherlock and use this blog as a way to cope with his passing. But this is all that I can for one post. As Legolas said, “I have not the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still too near.”

Love you, Daddy.

Prom 2014 Dad



End notes:

I’m back to blogging!!! Yay! Although, I do not know how frequently?

Sorry for all my nerdy movie/TV references, but for me they lighten up the mood. I don’t want it to sound like such a complete sob story.

If you lost a loved one, I am deeply sorry. I cannot express my condolences enough, but I am always available to anyone who needs to talk! Feel free to leave a comment 🙂

“Mommie Dearest”

I don’t what I did to deserve you in my life
Crying, laughter, anger
Every step of the way, you were there
To light my way into the shadowy future
Like the beacon of your lighthouse
Guiding my boats safely into harbor
I don’t know how you are the sturdy wooden stilts
Keeping my house above water after the hopeless hurricane
Even though it means getting your feet wet
I don’t know how you are the strong storm cellar
Shielding me from the shrapnel and wreckage the tornado brings
Bringing me into your shelter, your comforting safety
I don’t know how you encompass me like the sun
Surrounding me by your warmth, which radiates from your heart
Greeting me every morning with a bright smile
Wishing me rest, leaving me with an array of beautiful dreams
I don’t know what I would do without you
And I hope to never find out

College Day and Last Day of STaR


HC = Hanover College

As you may tell, the last day of the senior dress up week was college day. I plan on attending Hanover College and my friend is attending Indiana State University. It was a hard decision for me, choosing between DePauw University and Hanover College, but eventually I came to my senses and made a final decision. Now that I have, there is so much weight that is lifted from my shoulders. I discovered 4 of my other classmates are attending Hanover as well, which is exciting because the class size of Hanover is around 1200 students total. Although I am more than excited to be going to college in just a few months, I am also a bit nervous. I have to make a whole new set of friends, take on a harder class load, join new activities, and leave my life at home in Greenwood.


Friday was incredibly sad because it was the very last time our star would ever meet [star is like a 30 minute study period — and by study period I mean goofing around with friends — where the same people stay in the same class for our whole high school career]. These people and I have formed such a close relationship. I remember my first time ever entering my star class. I only had one friend. You really see how our relationship in my star has changed because after the one friend I went into star knowing dropped out of the EC program and switched stars, I still felt comfortable with the other people. At first my star teacher didn’t want us throwing star parties, so we threw a “secret” star party. After that we had parties all the time — and they got better and better throughout the year. We had our last star party on Tuesday, and then we had an ice cream party on Friday. Luckily, nobody cried, but it was very emotional for everyone. Our bond will forever remain strong and to help seal that bond I personalized red dog tags for everyone. Words cannot explain how much I will miss these wonderful, good looking people.


Career Day and Early College Recognition Night

“Bad girl bad girl, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when Sean comes for you?”



Thursday’s senior spirit day was future career day. As you can see, I did not take it very seriously (but in my defense, most people don’t). The ironic thing is, the people who know me know I am the least likely to go to jail because I rarely break rules. In fact, it would be more accurate for me to dress up as Hermione, a fictional character, than a jailbird. Anyway, my outfit wasn’t the worst career in the school. One of my good friends was a redneck’s wife, a different friend was a homeless person, and this girl I saw was dressed up as a stripper. It was fun, just like any other spirit day. During star (our 30 minute free period) we had department awards in which each subject department gave away a few awards to students who excelled in those categories. Not thinking anything of it, I end up winning one of the two awards for business student of the year. Let’s just say it was quite awkward when I walked in front of my whole grade to receive my business award, dressed in a jail suit! Everyone laughed though, all in good fun. Plus, it was better than the girl I saw as a stripper who ended up winning an award. I was shocked that I won the award, as there was no way I thought I would be chosen from my whole grade. That is why it came as an even bigger shock when I was chosen again for one of the two Early College awards. There are so many deserving students in Center Grove; I have no clue how they decided I was one of them but I am eternally great flu to both of the awards I received. I cannot express how wonderful it feels to have won 2 awards for working so hard in my classes. I was nominated for three awards by my students peers for an award show I organized called Senior Celebration, but I came in second place for each one. So, now that I have FINALLY won an award after coming in second place all the time, I almost cried (and I rarely cry). It was truly a wonderful day.



…then this happened and the day was even better. Last night was the Early College Recognition Night. It was a night, in which I helped plan, that honored the students of the Early College program for earning college credit from Vincennes University. The students sat on stage and one by one they received their credit hours. My friends gave a heartwarming speech that described how we have become a family. I had the honor of being chosen to introduce the President of Vincennes, which was a huge deal. Then, the 15 students who received their Associates Degree were called up — which for me this was extremely weird because I was graduating from college before even graduating from high school. Afterwards, we watched a video slides how composed of all of our memories over  the past 4 years. I avoided crying at all cost, but it was sad to think that in just one week I would lose them. Overall, the night was one of the highlights of my senior year.

Quote of the Week

“I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.” ~Charles R. Swindoll

I am truly honored to have made the friends I now have. I love each and every one of them in a different way. I have never met a more real, genuine, kind, fun group of kids before. When we are around each other, we are not afraid to be ourselves because we know others won’t judge us. We support each other unconditionally. Every award I have had the honor and delight of receiving, they always tell me how proud they are of me. They believe in me when I doubt myself and they always know how to have a good time and make me smile. I feel like I can tell my closest friends anything and they would still love me. They work hard and are amazing students who I can’t wait to see go far in life. I am so blessed to have met each and every one of them because they all teach me knew skills. The memories they have given me are ones I will forever remember no matter how old I get. I can only hope to become friends with people at Hanover College that are as great as the ones I have now. My friends truly affect how I do in school, participate in activities, and act as a person. I can’t imagine letting them go as we part different ways, but I know it is for the best. Let’s just hope we can all stay in touch!


“An Unexpected Surprise” ~ Flash Fiction

Straight A student. Prom Queen. Soccer team captain. A TV star, but not in the way she was expecting. First came the pleasure. When he was with her she felt like a bird, soaring high above the water, the trees, the clouds, forgetting all her worries down below. And so they rendezvous every month, going to their secret location where their hearts were one. But precaution, if avoided, has major consequences. And soon, after a few months of harmony, an old friend went missing, and a little gift arrived right beneath her chin. So dainty, so delightful, so deadly — if her parents found out. If her parents didn’t kill her the humiliation will. All those titles, all those accomplishments, but nothing would ever be the same. And now look at her — Season 3 Episode 15: Teen Mom.

“The Legend of Dewer’s Hollow” ~ Flash Fiction

John had been working at the inn for white some time now. After 37 years of working, he had yet seen any ghost from the Legend of Dewer’s Hollow. Apparently, no living person had ever seen the ghost. But he was determined to be the first. One night, he woke up at 3:24. It was quite unusual for John to have trouble sleeping, and he rarely woke in the middle of the night. However, this time, he was sweating, his heart racing, and he felt like he was being choked. His vision went black, and he passed out.

The next time he awoke he was much more calm, no sweat, no heartbeat; in fact, it was almost too silent for his comfort. And as he scanned the room, in the corner, there she was. The woman from the Legend of Dewer’s Hollow. Her eyes were milky white, like beaded pearls that lost their shine. Her tattered long dress matched her eyes and her glowing skin, gliding on top of the floorboards as she made her way across the room. John wasn’t scared, but relieved. He had finally been the first person to see her.

But as the legend goes, no living person has ever seen the ghost if Dewer’s Hollow.

Senior Citizens and Little Kid Day


On Tuesday, the senior spirit day was Senior Citizen Day. All the seniors dressed up in old clothing, brought canes and walkers, and walked real slow. People went as far as wearing wigs, drawing wrinkles, and even stuffing pillows or whatever item they had to make their butt (and for girls also breasts) look massive. One special thing I did was take a pill bottle and fill it with tic tacs and would take my “medicine” throughout the day. The role was topped off with a funny old accent. One of the greatest traditions on senior citizen day is calle the senior sprint. In the morning, all the seniors gather in our main hallway. When there is just a few minutes before class, the senior sprint to their first period class. The new administration tried to stop it because it was too dangerous, but their attempt failed and when the bell rang all of the seniors started sprinting.


Wednesday, all the seniors dressed up as little kids. Whereas yesterday we were limping through the halls as old folk, today we skipped down the halls as our kiddie days. Many Girl Scout vests were dug out and pigtails and overalls were the main trend of the day. People brought in lollipops, stuffed animals, silly hats, but my outfit even included a jump rope, a blue ribboned wand, Barbie band aids on my fringes, and I even went as far as drinking out of a sippy cup all day. The other greatest tradition of senior week is ride your bike to school day. Dressed as little kids, the seniors gathered at our local soccer fields with our bikes. At 6:30, the police escorted us down the main road as we rode our bikes to the high school. My friends and I jammed out to “Bicycle” by Queen and occasionally raced with one another. It was a great way to start off the day, and an even greater memory to add to my high school career.


Hit Songs

Here I have composed a list of some of my favorite songs. Most of them are fun, upbeat, and great to dance to whether you are working out or hanging with friends. Other you just can help but sing along. Hope you enjoy!

1. “Come With Me Now” ~ KONGOS

2. “Dirty Paws” ~ Of Monsters and Men

3. “Come a Little Closer” ~ Cage the Elephant

4. “Bad Blood” ~ Bastille

5. “Monster” ~ Imagine Dragons

6. “The Walker” ~ Fitz & The Tantrums

7. “Pumpin Blood” ~ NONONO

8. “Ain’t It Fun” ~ Paramore

9. “Sleeping With a Friend” ~ Neon Trees

10. “The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie” ~ Red Hot Chili Peppers

11.  “Hey Brother” ~ Acicii

12. “Sail” ~ AWOLNATION

13. “Do I Wanna Know?” ~ Artic Monkeys

14. “Am I Wrong” ~Nico & Vinz

15. “The Giving Tree” ~ Plain White T’s

16. “Turn Down For What” ~ DJ Snake & Lil Jon

17. “My Songs know What You Did In the Dark” ~ Fall Out Boy

18.  “Carry On” ~ Fun.

19. “On Top of the World” ~ Imagine Dragons

20. “Mirrors” ~ Justin Timberlake

Comment your favorite song, and it might just make the next list!

Cat Saves Bakersfield Boy

In this amazing video, you see how a cat saves a young boy from being excessively harmed by a neighbors dog. Whether you are a dog lover or a cat lover (or both), you can’t deny how amazing the family cat was to quickly respond to the threat of the dog. Cats get a lot of hate, and many don’t believe they love their owners. But this is just an example of how that statement can be proved wrong. And, dogs should not be condemned as evil based on this one incident. Cats can be just as protective of their humans as dogs. And this little boy is lucky to have such a brave cat.