Senior Citizens and Little Kid Day


On Tuesday, the senior spirit day was Senior Citizen Day. All the seniors dressed up in old clothing, brought canes and walkers, and walked real slow. People went as far as wearing wigs, drawing wrinkles, and even stuffing pillows or whatever item they had to make their butt (and for girls also breasts) look massive. One special thing I did was take a pill bottle and fill it with tic tacs and would take my “medicine” throughout the day. The role was topped off with a funny old accent. One of the greatest traditions on senior citizen day is calle the senior sprint. In the morning, all the seniors gather in our main hallway. When there is just a few minutes before class, the senior sprint to their first period class. The new administration tried to stop it because it was too dangerous, but their attempt failed and when the bell rang all of the seniors started sprinting.


Wednesday, all the seniors dressed up as little kids. Whereas yesterday we were limping through the halls as old folk, today we skipped down the halls as our kiddie days. Many Girl Scout vests were dug out and pigtails and overalls were the main trend of the day. People brought in lollipops, stuffed animals, silly hats, but my outfit even included a jump rope, a blue ribboned wand, Barbie band aids on my fringes, and I even went as far as drinking out of a sippy cup all day. The other greatest tradition of senior week is ride your bike to school day. Dressed as little kids, the seniors gathered at our local soccer fields with our bikes. At 6:30, the police escorted us down the main road as we rode our bikes to the high school. My friends and I jammed out to “Bicycle” by Queen and occasionally raced with one another. It was a great way to start off the day, and an even greater memory to add to my high school career.
