Senior Prom

My friends and I attempt to recreate the poster from the film Bridesmaids.

My friends and I attempt to recreate the poster from the film Bridesmaids.

Senior Prom was incredible. It was a fun night with my friends: dancing, laughing, taking pictures. But the truly special thing that made my night didn’t come until later.

We had our from at Union Station in downtown Indianapolis. This is what happened:


If you clicked on the link you will understand how proud I am of my school. JJ truly deserved it. And what makes this great is there were other nominations with football players and band members, but we chose JJ. And we didn’t just choose JJ because we felt bad for him. We voted for him because he means something to us. He smiles all the time and is friends with everyone. I am so proud of my school and I know JJ will cherish that moment he was crowned forever.