Quote of the Week

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different…” ~C.S. Lewis (author of The Chronicles of Narnia)

The things we consider important today will seem like mere drops in a lake of experience. We may not understand why situations play out the way they do, but when we get the whole picture, the troubles and difficulties will make it much more beautiful. I struggle with understanding why certain things happen to me; however, I know that everything happens for a reason, and soon enough, all of my struggles will seem far away, and I will become a stronger person as a result.

Quote of the Week

“The days you are most uncomfortable are the days you learn the most about yourself.” ~Mary L. Bean

I find this quote relatable to the TED Talk by Brené Brown in which she discusses the impact of being vulnerable. Being vulnerable does not mean being weak. Being vulnerable is a sign of strength because you are putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation where you might be judged but you’re doing it anyway. Now that takes true courage. Vulnerability makes you unique, makes you different, makes you beautiful. I suffer with vulnerability because I have the constant desire to be perfect. Instead of acting perfect, I should own up to my mistakes, because the only one who can truly be perfect is God. With perfection comes pride, a nasty characteristic I have developed; but with vulnerability comes compassion. Instead of me attempting to summarize Brown’s amazing message, I highly recommend watching the whole video (you won’t be disappointed!).
Here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o