Quote of the Week

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different…” ~C.S. Lewis (author of The Chronicles of Narnia)

The things we consider important today will seem like mere drops in a lake of experience. We may not understand why situations play out the way they do, but when we get the whole picture, the troubles and difficulties will make it much more beautiful. I struggle with understanding why certain things happen to me; however, I know that everything happens for a reason, and soon enough, all of my struggles will seem far away, and I will become a stronger person as a result.

Quote of the Week

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~Muhammad Ali

Impossible is an excuse to hide from change rather than take action. If we all stay in this world, claiming the impossible, then what is the point when there would be no new change that brings life excitement. The truly remarkable people are not the ones siting in their house thinking their dreams and innovations are impossible; it is the people who take a chance and try to attempt the ‘impossible’ that stand out among the others. If you accept impossible as an answer, you have already accepted failure. Be creative, be inspirational, be different. Accomplish the impossible.

A Pep Talk from Kid President to You

If you haven’t already seen this adorable video, I implore you to do so! Our economy is in a state of unrest. Yes, we are currently in a bull market, but the people who run this country are only worsening their poor attitudes. I’m not just talking about Congress, even though this kid probably has more understanding of the truth than they ever will, but the people of America need to unite as a whole in order to make our world better. As the kid president mentioned in this video, we are all on the same team — so why don’t we act like it? Instead, people constantly argue and have an overwhelming lack of empathy for others. Patience, consideration, perspective, and kindness are all characteristics that seem to be fading away in the modern society. I am not excused from this claim, for I too need to improve my thoughts and actions. Yet, how can we as a nation, expect to move forward if our hatred and resistance towards change is holding us back? Sometimes, adults can be too knowledgeable and become cocky, as if they know better. All it takes is a kids perspective, their innocent nature. Children are not aware to the complications of the world…war, politics, the economy. Children are not taught this by their parents at home. Instead, they are taught about how to share, treat others nicely even though they might have been treated poorly, and other human morals regarding the difference between right and wrong. Stealing? Wrong. Lying? Wrong. Betrayal? Well, you get the point. If we can go back to the perspective we used as a child, about loving others and accepting others, I believe there is a chance for our country to improve. The road to change may be difficult, but it will lead to a brighter future. Actions speak louder than words. So instead of sitting here typing, I’m going to make a difference. Maybe if I change, others will too. After all, one starts with one million. Why not be the one to start, change, make a difference in the world?